Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Do’s and don’ts of intimacy while pregnant

Do’s and don’ts of intimacy while pregnant

Sex while pregnant is rarely spoken about, yet it is an integral part of relationships.

In the past two weeks, many babies have been conceived in a state of merriment!

Spouses previously separated geographically by work got together, spent quality time and in the relaxed mood, had time to make new additions to their families.
The younger singles were out and about and less careful about their contraceptives in the holiday spirit.
All these activities will lead to the baby boom season in September, when maternity units are full of mums bringing forth the fruit of their Christmas and New Year engagements. However, at this early time, most couples don’t know that the nine-month journey has begun.
Humans have sex, not just for procreation but also for recreation, but sex during pregnancy is rarely spoken about. Very few couples discuss it even with their doctors during their ante-natal clinics, yet it is such an integral part of the relationship.
Nine months is a very long time for one to be pregnant and not be sure whether having sex is all right or not. In the absence of medical indications, sex is absolutely acceptable during pregnancy. Most couples will continue to engage in sex during the first few weeks as they are unaware they are even pregnant to begin with.
Then six weeks into the pregnancy, the period is delayed and the first trimester symptoms set in, raising suspicion. Most women will confirm their pregnancies around this time. During this period, a couple’s sex life depends on the woman.
Some women will breeze through and enjoy themselves while others will be in the dumps battling horrible morning sickness, extreme sensitivity to smells, very tender breasts, mood swings and poor appetite.
This may slow things down and will call for a very understanding partner. Give her time, get rid of the soap in the bathroom, put your cologne away for a while and above all, do not bring alcohol breathe to bed!
From week 16 to 20, most women fare much better. They have made peace with the hormones, the morning sickness is in the past and they are eating much better. The growing baby bump is not very big hence they are comfortable with most positions.
Majority of them will actually report enhanced libido, especially if they are in a supportive relationship where they feel appreciated and cared for. This is the glorious second trimester when bedroom matters should be at an all-time high as long as gentleness is observed.
Once the third trimester sets in, most couple get anxious, but it is reassuring to know that sex can still happen safely. It is a time of discovering yourselves as the big belly demands that new, comfortable positions are explored. The woman is most comfortable lying on her side, so work with her.
As the long January drags on and leisure activities are limited by lack of funds, couples will likely continue to engage in their free pastime safely. Whenever in doubt, talk to your doctor and seek clarity. Have a fruitful 2018!

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